Week-end Workshop Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance July 2024

Week-end Workshop Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance July 2024

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 6th & Sun 7th JULY 2024

The inner vitality of our bone structure
– Upper Limbs
From scapular belt to fingers – Lines of forces and connections


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 6th & Sun 7th JULY 2024

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

3 Days Workshop in Paris – Pentecote 2024

3 Days Workshop in Paris – Pentecote 2024

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 18th, Sun 19th & Mon 20th MAY 2024

The inner vitality of our bone structure
– Axial skeleton
From head to tail – a free spine


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Dimanche/Sunday & Lundi/Monday:
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 16th & Sun 17th SEPTEMBER 2023

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche et lundi de 10h à 13h
– Sunday & Monday: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

Week-end Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance June 2024

Week-end Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance June 2024

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 8th & Sun 9th JUNE 2024

The inner vitality of our bone structure
– Upper Limbs
From inner to outer space – horizontal opening.


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 8th & Sun 9th JUNE 2024

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

Week-end Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance June 2024

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, September

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 16th & Sun 17th SEPTEMBER 2023

Souffle et geste respiratoire
– le diaphragme unifié
A breathing dance – the unified diaphragm.


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 16th & Sun 17th SEPTEMBER 2023

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, October

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, October

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 14th & Sun 15th OCTOBER 2023

Un corps orienté – Espace et polarités
An oriented body – Space & polarities


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 14th & Sun 15th OCTOBER 2023

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, December

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, December

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 16th & Sun 17th DECEMBER 2023

Body territory and environment:
The Middle Body
Territoire du corps et environnement:
le corps du milieu


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 16th & Sun 17th DECEMBER 2023

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr