Souffle et geste respiratoire / A Breathing Dance – September 2024

Souffle et geste respiratoire / A Breathing Dance – September 2024

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 21st & Sun 22nd SEPTEMBER 2024

Souffle et geste respiratoire
– le diaphragme unifié
A Breathing Dance – The Unified Diaphragm


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 21st & Sun 22nd SEPTEMBER 2024

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

SEED Week-end, MORGES Switzerland, September 2024

SEED Week-end, MORGES Switzerland, September 2024

SEED Week-end in SWITZERLAND, Morges
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 28th & Sun 20th SEPTEMBER 2024

Souffle et intégration holistique du corps en mouvement
Engaging the Whole Body through our Breathing


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression

Accompanied by Marie-Laure Bach on live percussion-daff

Sat 28th & Sun 28th SEPTEMBER 2024

– Samedi de 15h à 18h
– Sat: From 3 pm to 6 pm

– Dimanche de 11h à 14h
– Sun: From 11 am to 2 pm



Une danse organique – An Organic Dance, October 2024

Une danse organique – An Organic Dance, October 2024

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 12th & Sun 13th OCTOBER 2024

Une danse organique
– Poumons
An Organic Dance – Lungs


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 12th & Sun 13th OCTOBER 2024 – Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15 – Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm – Dimanche de 10h à 13h – Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

Souffle – État de présence & qualité d’expression, Breath, November 2024

Souffle – État de présence & qualité d’expression, Breath, November 2024

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– 3 Days
Sat. 9th, Sun 10th
& Mon. 11th NOVEMBER 2024

Souffle et fluidité – État de présence & qualité d’expression

Breath – State of Being & Quality of Expression


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 14th & Sun 15th DECEMBER 2024

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

Souffle & Fluidité – Fluidity & Breath, December 2024

Souffle & Fluidité – Fluidity & Breath, December 2024

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 14th & Sun 15th DECEMBER 2024

Souffle et fluidité
Fluidity and Breath


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 14th & Sun 15th DECEMBER 2024

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr