SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, September

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, September

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 16th & Sun 17th SEPTEMBER 2023

Souffle et geste respiratoire
– le diaphragme unifié
A breathing dance – the unified diaphragm.


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 16th & Sun 17th SEPTEMBER 2023

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, October

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, October

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 14th & Sun 15th OCTOBER 2023

Un corps orienté – Espace et polarités
An oriented body – Space & polarities


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 14th & Sun 15th OCTOBER 2023

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

MOVING FROM THE HEART, Bologna – Autumn Event 2023

MOVING FROM THE HEART, Bologna – Autumn Event 2023

Bologna, ITALY

Thurs. 3th,
Sat. 4th & Sun 5th NOVEMBER 2023,

Studio Zambra

— Trois jours
de stage intensif

— Three days
intensive workshop

with Maria Martinez & Marie Al Fajr

Moving from the heart

Body-Mind Centering®
& Sufi Movement Practice from Upper Egypt

An in depth body awareness into a timeless way of moving within a contemporary approach.

The heart as a spiritual symbol in Sufism and even further in time for Ancient Egyptians. The heart as an emotional symbolic space. The heart, as an anatomic structure, an energetic center and a support for movement… The heart will be our focus of explorations for those three days in Bologna.

Open to everybody interested by movement, dance, well being and consciousness

For more information:
Marie Al Fajr /+33 623508385
Maria Martinez: / +39 3477902524

Thurs. 3th, Sat. 4th & Sun 5th NOVEMBER 2023

Bologna, ITALY
Studio Zambra – 10, Via Lugo – Bologna 40128

Maria Martinez

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, December

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, December

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 16th & Sun 17th DECEMBER 2023

Body territory and environment:
The Middle Body
Territoire du corps et environnement:
le corps du milieu


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 16th & Sun 17th DECEMBER 2023

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, November

SEED WEEK-END Workshop in PARIS, November

SEED Week-end in Paris
Somatics & Embodied Egyptian Dance

– Sat. 18th & Sun 19th NOVEMBER 2023

From earth to sky
– Establishing a Soft and Contained Vertical Axe
De la terre au ciel – Etablir un axe vertical souple et contenu


Samedi/ Saturday:
Soufi ritual dance practice from Upper Egypt
Art of movement and dance from Egyptian traditions to contemporary expression


Sat 18th & Sun 19th NOVEMBER 2023

– Samedi de 16h15 à 19h15
– Sat: From 4.15 pm to 7.15 pm

– Dimanche de 10h à 13h
– Sun: From 10 am to 1 pm

Studio DTM
– 6, rue de la Folie Méricourt
Paris 11ème – Métro St Ambroise

Cie Al Fajr